
Skull casts > Tyrannosaurus rex

Tyrannosaurus- 2
Tyrannosaurus- 3

Sculptor: Jorge Ángel Ortiz

Painter: Martha Laura García

Scientific adviser: Rubén Molina and Asier Larramendi

Tyrannosaurus rex (Osborn, 1905)

Enormous sized famous theropod, it was the largest carnivore in North America. It possessed the most powerful jaws among all the discovered dinosaurs.

The replica is based on the famous skull specimen known as Sue, the most complete skeleton found of this species.

Specimen: FMNH PR2081
Size: 700 mm (scale1:2)
Period: Cretácico superior
Place: United States
*Price: 3000€ 2500€

* Price does not include shipping costs.